Lived With and Worn By Sri Svamiji
Items worn or used by Sri Svamiji are very rare and have a special spiritual significance. When the SatGuru wears or uses an item in a particular Divine Bhava (or mood), the Infinite Essence of that bhava is awakened (for ex, Infinite Love, Boundless Joy, Wholeness). It is a Divine Gift that is offered to you for your upliftment and evolution on all levels of being. When you open your body, heart and mind with sincerity to receive the Gift, a heart connection can be established that can very powerfully and deeply transform you “from the inside, out”. Some of the the Lived With items may look like everyday items; yet, each is also a doorway to attuning more deeply with the SatGuru. |
Blessed by Sri Svamiji
Items blessed by Sri Svamiji are energetically activated to provide healing benefits and support in numerous ways. In some instances, with a mala and deity statute, the particular qualities of the item are revealed so that you may access and attune to the healing energy more easily. For shawls, whatever intention rests behind the blessing will come forward. When you are open to receive and attune to the Blessing, the energy can activate more fully and the benefits you receive can be enhanced |