Monthly Dakshina Donation
In the Vedic Tradition, there is a practice called Dakshina where one makes an offering to one’s Guru in recognition of and in gratitude for receiving the Teachings to better one’s life journey. This offering is a symbol of devotion and loyalty and commitment to follow the Teachings. Typically Dakshina is 11% of earnings and can be offered as a routine monthly donation. In essence, Dakshina becomes an ongoing spiritual practice that opens up a flow of energy benefiting one’s life and path. Check the box for "make this a monthly donation". You may also check the box to cover processing fees. |
Sanctuary for Peace Loan Repayment
Proceeds go towards reducing the outstanding loan of $1.75 million so that we may move forward debt free and support Sri Svamiji's Vision of developing a Vedic University, which will be a great seat of Vedic Knowledge and Philosophy where teachings can be offered in the open air in the original, authentic form for the benefit of the individual as well as all beings. The sooner the loan is repaid, the sooner the Vedic University may come to life. |
Travel Fund
Donations may be made throughout the year to cover travel costs such as airline flights, accommodation, meals and car rental. |
Save Ganga Save Himalaya
Protecting the unique Environmental and Spiritual Tradition of the Ganga & Himalaya. Highly honored environmental activist and lawyer, MC Mehta, and Sri Svami Purna Maharaj, a Himalayan Master, are combining the Purna Vedic University project with the Eco Ashram in India to manifest an initiative to inspire others to take dharmic action that is in alignment with the essence of life and the rhythmic flows of nature. This initiative celebrates the traditional spiritual and ecological understanding. Visit |
Operational Expenses and General Fund
There are numerous operational expenses incurred throughout the year such as expenses for maintaining the Land. Also there are expenses for staging Retreats such as purchasing flowers, fabric, candles, other decor and dry cleaning. Having a fund available to draw from ensures a smoother flow of activities and allows the Sevadars the opportunity to focus on presenting beautiful events and improving the condition of the Land. |
There are a large number of publications and audio materials disseminating the Teachings of Sri Svami Purna. Funding is required in order to continue printing the various titles and hosting the audio online so that many people may benefit from these Teachings. |
General Donation
For general donation funds, will be directed where needed the most. Please type in the note to seller "GENERAL DONATION". If you would like to donate an amount that is not included in the drop down menu (you will see the options once you click through using the donate button below). PLEASE USE the Donation for Services button below if you are paying for an event, activity or other service or product. |
Donation for Services or Products
This is to be used for donations for Services that are not paid through a specific Event or Activity payment button (payment plans or financial difficulty) or Products. Please write the specific service you are making a payment for in the comments field when you are checking out of the online Store. Thank you! |
Thank you for your support.
The generous financial support of dedicated students and seekers allows the Mission of the Adhyatmik Foundation to reach many who would not otherwise receive this rare gift. Your regular donations are of great benefit in order to support the humanitarian and universal work of the Foundation. |
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