"Ask Lakshmi to grant you all prosperity, both material and spiritual, so that your life becomes the embodiment of knowledge and spiritual pursuit, so that you never have to worry, so that you never have any need and you are full of prosperity, confidence, strength, energy, security forever. Free from all anxiety worry and fear, you will pursue the path of Narayan." ~ Sri Svami Purna Maharaj
Following the lunar calendar, Divali is celebrated this year on Monday, October 28. The Divine Mother in the form of Goddess Lakshmi, the Giver of wealth and abundance, is welcomed into homes and places of worship all over the world. During this beautiful festival, colorful rangoli are created at the doorway and ghee lamps and candles are placed at the entry to welcome Laskhmi in...into the home, into the heart. For as Sri Svamiji Teaches in TheDivine Mother booklet, "Lakshmi will arrive in the hearts of those who have Light, in those who have Narayan in their hearts...Those who only worship material things, how can they sustain Lakshmi? Material wealth alone will not make you happy. Lakshmi will only stay with you and protect you when you also give a place in your heart to Narayan, the Spiritual and Divine Shakti, the Power."
Puja at Home To help you connect and attune more fully to the spirit of Divali, we are sharing an excerpt of an audio recording of Sri Svamiji from the last Telecast. He guides a short practice with mantra so that you too may invite Goddess Lakshmi into your home, into your life and into your heart by offering a simple puja. The Divine Mother booklet includes practices for you to explore as well.
Om Lakshmi Namaha Om Mata Lakshmi Namaha
Puja Services If you would like to request a Divali Puja, you may do so on the Puja Services page on the Adhyatmik Foundation website, which you may reach by clicking here (scroll down the page). Please register by October 25. All donations for the Puja Services go to support the Pujaris as well as to fulfill the humanitarian mission of Adhyatmik Foundation under Sri Svamiji's Grace and Guidance.