"Ganesh is also the giver of wisdom… wisdom and knowledge alone can liberate you and make you ultimately happy. There is no substitute. There is no alternative. Ganesh can give you material things but also gives you spiritual strength, wisdom and knowledge so you can finally be liberated. That’s why Ganesh symbolizes fullness and wholeness of all."
~ from Divine Dialogues Sept 2019 with Sri Svami Purna Ji Maharaj
~ from Divine Dialogues Sept 2019 with Sri Svami Purna Ji Maharaj
Who We Are
Adhyatmik Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization established in 1983 with a view to providing a balanced and healthy approach to life for people of any race, religion, gender, age or philosophy. The Foundation is dedicated to providing access to the ancient wisdom found in Indian Vedic Teachings and Yogic texts and practices. These perennial Teachings, handed down by great teachers, saints and sages over many generations, transcend time and place; they can be applied in a practical way to bring balance to our lives in this fast-paced, stressful age in which we live today.
The essence of the word “Adhyatmik” is expressed through the work of the Foundation and Dr Svami Purna’s guiding message that each one of us is entitled to explore, enhance and advance all aspects of our being. This universal message and vision continues to unfold today as Adhyatmik Foundation creates and develops cross-cultural activities, programs and tools to help people achieve balance in life.