- Divine Dialogues Audio
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- Divine Dialogues October 2021
Divine Dialogues October 2021
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Sri Svamiji talks of Health, Wealth and Enlightenment, three mantra we should remember; nothing else matters in this life. He also Teaches of the meaning of a series of festivals during this auspicious time of Kartik month: Shradh, Navaratri, Halloween, All Saints Day, Divali and more. Svamiji reminds us why we celebrate- because we are invoking the origin of ourselves. He guides us to look past the gross physical level of the festivals to the profound and deep meaning these celebrations point to: reminding ourselves of who we are, what we are and what is our destiny. Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Lakshmi Rupena Sansthita Namastasye Namastasye Namastasye Namo Namah.