VAS is a voluntary community organisation which was established in 1974 and registered as a UK charity in 1977. Based in London, the organisation promotes openness and cross cultural awareness of key issues in today’s world through communication, education and interaction between all, that is the old, young, male, female, regardless of origin and status, by dialogue and debate. The main aims and objectives of VAS are to:
provide a meeting point to arrange courses, conferences, seminars, discussions, surveys, research, classes and study groups, productions, exhibitions, films, videos and produce other tools on cultural, healthcare, environmental and other community issues:
raise funds in such manner as the organisation shall think necessary to fulfill aims and objectives;
advance education; and
provide activities and facilities beneficial to all members of the community, regardless.
education of the Highest Knowledge based upon Sri Svamiji's Teachings.
VAS draws on the traditional Vedic perennial values of India in order to highlight the approach of responsibility for self in all of one’s actions and in whatever capacity in which one is operating. It aims to integrate the more positive aspects of knowledge and behaviour of the East and the West in the implementation of its activities and projects.
The environment is a key issue of concern to VAS, as well as the provision of clear understanding of such concerns to ethnic minorities in a sustainable manner and as part of the community as a whole. Since environmental and sustainability issues have now been recognised as representing a key aspect of risk management VAS has in turn recognised that there are many concerns facing a small charity. VAS has developed for some time educational tools that could be used to keep VAS abreast of such matters. These are valued by its Committee and supporters to enable VAS to be more environmentally informed for itself and others, including its volunteers, members and the community at large. Environmental issues have become more a priority in the context of all forms of activity as they cross all divisions in society and fit well with the organisation’s core objectives.
Visva the world, universal, facing all directions, all inclusive Adhyatmik fullness, wholeness, completeness, all which is life enhancing Sansthan standing together, of common interests and social justice; a foundation or pillar
Main Activities
The organisation’s past and current activities include publications, conferences, seminars and workshops, providing an arena for discussion and debate on a variety of subjects to enable an opportunity for better understanding, coexistence and cooperation between ethnic minorities and the wider society, largely related to comparative philosophies of life in accordance with its objectives registered with the UK Charity Commission.
Training on environmental awareness, as well as on life-work balance and health and community issues.
Counselling and consultations are offered on an individual or group basis.
The group has a qualified lawyer, accountant and other professionals among its voluntary team available for guidance, providing a valuable link with statutory bodies which people may find difficult to approach.
A wide range of classes, including health education, yoga, fitness, music, language and topical issues are available as well as webcasts.
Education of the Highest Knowledge based on the Teachings of Sri Svami Purna
Support for women and children, especially of ethnic minority origin through the above, as well as concert and cultural events, publications, charity appeals and promotions.
For more information about the above and ways to contribute to VAS activities and projects please email [email protected]
VAS invites the growth and furtherance of humanitarian aims through an understanding of true spirituality. Without growth stagnation occurs: Vedanta demonstrates this by the Tree of Life. Individual awareness is rooted heavenwards, fed by cosmic space, but it flowers earthwards into action. With this in mind WSS offers the tools including a holistic health management system to develop a way of life that demonstrates spirituality in action and which is open to all as a haven from the stresses of modern life. The activities reflect the energy and support of the charity's members and supporters and include the following services:
Courses: workshops, seminars, study and research into Yogic Science, with its practical application in everyday life through Hatha Yoga
Techniques as aids in stress reduction
Habit correction and general responsible healthcare guidance by complementary and alternative medical methodology by improved nutrition, herbalism, Ayurveda medicine, homeopathy, acupressure, reflexology and massage techniques
Programs and Events
For information on ongoing programs including webcasts and telecasts, as well as audio and visual recordings please visit: